Bio-Diversity Products
Nest Box Construction Guides
Bio-Diversity's construction guides are designed for the
handyman/nature enthusiast who is interested in building nest
boxes to increase populations of beneficial wildlife species.
These illustrated and informative brochures will get you started
reaping the benefits these animals bring as they eliminate rodent
pests on your farm, golf course, park or back yard.
Each one page brochure includes background information on each species, cutting diagrams, parts lists, tools needed, step by step instructions and recommendations on where to best locate your nest box. The prices shown include taxes, shipping and handling. Order by mail. Please include payment with your order.
Building Barn Owl Nest Boxes for a Vineyard.............$7.50 each
Building Kestrel Nest Boxes
.........................................$7.50 each
Print this page as your order form and mail
it along with your payment to:
Bio-Diversity Products
10112 East Woodbridge Road
Acampo, CA 95220-9752
For a complete catalog of nest boxes and bat houses built by Bio-Diversity
Products call (209)369-8578 or e-mail us at
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