Recommended websites to visit...
a Bio-Diversity Products website
Websites related to nest boxes barn owls and other birds of prey...
The Common Barn Owl, by GeorgeSeymore, is a short, concise article
from Desert USA about the life cycle of this creature. There is
also a good chart on desert wildlife in general at Desert
Animals and Wildlife.
Jennifer's Owl Page is one of my favorite owl websites. Among other things, Jennifer has a wonderful photo gallery, a listing of owl resources, collectables, and stories about owls.
The Nest Box is a good source of information about birds and birding in general, with a particular emphasis on bluebirds. It has a good photo gallery and lots of nesting data. A great reference for info on the web.
The Barn Owl Project is a very attractive, well presented site. The photographs illustrate how barn owls were attracted and banded at Willow Oak Farm in Calvert County, Maryland.
Information on Owls is a virtual deep sea of information on owls, providing links to many sources across the Internet. There is a good selection of links with photographs, a list of sanctuaries and organizations, sites that have painting, lists of books, and on and on and on.
The International Barn Owl Restoration Page is one of the best sources of information about barn owls. Very detailed write-up on the birds life cycle. Also, here are some of the best owl photographs on the web.
Rehabitat in Dillsburg, PA is an organization dedicated
to raptor rehabilitation and advocacy. Its website has some
excellent photographs of captive barn owls in its section titled Barn
Owls. has a comprehensive page on Birding
with lots of information, both general and specific.
The Owl's Nest has a catalog of owl related collectables, plus a fine list of a variety of sites to visit.
The Fund for Animals has a a great page on Birds of Prey, with lots of photographs and good sound effects.
If you are looking for photographs of barn owls, try More Barn Owl Pictures. Great background, too!
The Barn Owl Nest Box Project lists links to a variety of rehabilitation and conservation centers.
The Cheekwood Owl's Hill Nature Center has a a collection of owl photographs, audio clips and information on hacking. Put on
your boots and take their nature hike.
A highly recommended educational site is
the The
Barn Owl Centre.
It has photographs and audio clips
of owls found worldwide. This organization, based in England, is
dedicated to the advancement of conservation of the Barn Owl and
other species. The site provides guidelines for research, nesting
projects, rehabilitation and more.
News articles about barn owls...
CNN - Growers find barn owls protect their crops - June 10, 1997 is an article about sugar cane growers in Florida who are attracting barn owls with nest boxes.
Barn Owls May Help Solve Everglade Rodent Problem is about the USDA Natural ResourcesConservation Service and how they are looking to the barn owl to help with a rather ratty problem in Florida's Everglade region.
Endangered Barn Owls Slowly Making a Comeback in
Central Ohio- June 1998
describes how the Ohio Division of Wildlife is taking efforts to
bring back the barn owl.
Internet Links Related to Lodi, California ...
Lodi Conference and Visitors Bureau, Lodi, CA
The Weather Channel - Lodi and Stockton, CA
This site is a member of LodiRing
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